- Published: [1]
- Description: These data have been available for many years on on Steven Shafer’s PK/PD Software Server at the Palo-Alto VA. The zip file contains five directories; simp_pk, simp_pd, comp_pk, comp_pd and gam. These are the simple PK and PD models, complex PK and PD models, and the GAM code used for the remifentanil model published by Minto et al. Directories contain the NONMEM input and output files for the final models. Sixty-five healthy adults (38 men and 27 women) ages 20 to 85 y received remifentanil by constant-rate infusion of 1 to 8 micro-g/kg/min for 4 to 20 min.
- Data: minto_remi.zip (download count: 493)
Download counts were reset to zero on Jan 1, 2016
- Minto C, Schnider T, Egan T, Youngs E, Lemmens H, Gambus P, Billard V, Hoke J, Moore K, Hermann D, Muir K, Mandema J, Shafer S: Influence of age and gender on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of remifentanil. I. Model development. Anesthesiology 1997; 86:10–23 PMID: 9009935