Download STANPUMP (download count: 2,787)
STANPUMP is a computer program which drives an infusion pump to administer anesthetic drugs according to a three compartment pharmacokinetic model.
When STANPUMP is connected to an infusion pump, and actually administering drug, it becomes a medical device. As such, the use of STANPUMP to administer drugs is strictly experimental. Such use should only occur with approval and guidance of an institutional review board (human subjects) or animal review board (animal protocols), according to the institutional policy.
STANPUMP is available, at no charge, to interested investigators and anesthesiologists. You may share the STANPUMP software with any interested persons. My only request is that any manuscripts based upon work with STANPUMP acknowledge, either in the Methods or following the Discussion, the source of STANPUMP with a statement to the effect that STANPUMP is freely available from the author at:
Please only include the above reference on published manuscripts as space on abstracts is too precious to waste any on an acknowledgment!
ReadMe contains the following:
- *.C are the C source code files
- *.H are the header files required for the source code.
- STANPUMP.EXE is the executable code.
- STANPUMP.DOC is the documentation, in WordPerfect 5.1 format.
- COMPONLY.BAT is the compiler command line for Microsoft C 6.0.
- L.BAT is the linker compiler command.
- GO.BAT is an example of calling STANPUMP from a batch file.
- SAMPLE.KIN is a sample external pharmacokinetic data file.
- MANUAL is the stanpump manual in ASCII format.
- SAMPLE.TAR, SAMPLE.DRG, and SAMPLE.DAT are samples of external files that can be used to control STANPUMP.
- TARGET.BAT, DRG.BAT, and REPRO.BAT are batch files that show how to use the external controlling files.
STANPUMP will install to a hard disk by typing A:install
Steven L. Shafer, M.D.
Download counts were reset to zero on Jan 1, 2016