- Published: [1]
- Population: 16 adult patients, arterial samples.
- Description: These are the data that became the “Marsh” pharmacokinetic parameters used in the Diprifusor. Thanks to Margaret Minkwitz, Director, Statistical Sciences (Neuroscience) at AstraZeneca for tracking down the original data files, including all of the covariates! A special “Thank you!” also goes to Elisabeth Gepts and Iain Glen for their help in tracking down these data, which were gathered 25 years ago.
- Description: CSV files with the concentration and covariate data, NONMEM ready.
- Data: gepts_1987.zip (download count: 373)
Download counts were reset to zero on Jan 1, 2016
- Gepts E, Camu F, Cockshott I, Douglas E: Disposition of propofol administered as constant rate intravenous infusions in humans. Anesth Analg 1987; 66:1256–63 PMID: 3500657