- Published (not peer reviewed): [1]
- Population: 61 adult volunteers, arterial samples.
- Description: These are the data gathered by John Varvel, Orlando Hung, and Steve Shafer, analyzed by Barry Dyck, with a preliminary publication in Seminars in Anesthesia. They are the “Dyck” pharmacokinetics tested by Johan Coetzee in his validation trial.[2] Barry was working on the final manuscript at the time of his death.
- Description: CSV files with the concentration and covariate data, NONMEM ready + Control file.
- Data: dyck.zip (download count: 367)
Download counts were reset to zero on Jan 1, 2016
- Dyck J, Shafer S: Effects of age on propofol pharmacokinetics. Seminars in Anesthesia 1992; 11:2–4
- Coetzee J, Glen J, Wium C, Boshoff L: Pharmacokinetic model selection for target controlled infusions of propofol. Assessment of three parameter sets. Anesthesiology 1995; 82:1328–45 PMID: 7793646