- Unpublished.
- Population: 10 adult volunteers, 58 arterial samples.
- Description: CSV files with the concentration and covariate data. NONMEM ready.
- Data: doufas_deramp.zip (download count: 356)
Download counts were reset to zero on Jan 1, 2016
Download counts were reset to zero on Jan 1, 2016
The Open TCI Initiative was developed initially by Dr Charles Minto (Sydney, Australia) & Professor Thomas Schnider (St Gallen, Switzerland) based on many discussions over the past years. This opentci.org website was born on 6 January 2008.
The three main goals of the Open TCI Initiative were further developed in discussion with our mentor, Professor Steven L. Shafer, on 17 January 2008 and others at the first meeting in Cape Town on 3 March 2008.